Caring for our Senior Parents: A Team Effort
Medical advances have allowed us the gift of longer lives. And with that gift comes the dilemma of helping our parents handle their personal business in the electronic and mobile age. Siblings typically live states or continents apart with their 70 or 80 something year old parents in the middle. How do they aide, support and care for the parents in case of illness or injury? Who is the family member that has the essential information that parents need in case of emergency? How do you easily and efficiently communicate to medical providers?
Now the entire family, adult children and grandchildren, can help their seniors manage their essential personal information from anywhere at any time with the new web app. The monthly subscription includes secure storage, access and sharing of all essential information. Health history, insurance policy information, provider contacts and prescription information can be uploaded, as well as home, auto, life and all other insurance information for easy access and fast communicating. There are multiple levels of security for more sensitive information and separate or different passwords for each family member. With family members can assist each other during emergencies and disasters quickly and easily by accessing and sharing the ID information, medical history and insurance policies needed urgently. So caring for each other from seniors to grandbabies becomes a winning team’s effort with is a secure website and mobile app that manages all of your providers and documents in one place for the entire family’s access and use. You can store essential information about your insurance policies and contact information in one password-protected place, so you can file a claim faster and easier. For more information or to sign up for a subscription, visit